Tips to Find Flights from New York To Chicago

Use Flight Search Engines: Start by using popular flight search engines like Skyscanner, Kayak, or Google Flights. Enter your departure city as New York and your destination as Chicago, along with your desired travel dates. These platforms compare prices from various airlines to help you find the best deals.

Be Flexible with Travel Dates: If your travel dates are flexible, try using the flexible date search option on flight search engines. This feature allows you to view prices across a range of dates, helping you identify cheaper days to fly.

Set Price Alerts: Utilize the price alert feature on flight search engines. After entering your search criteria, you can often choose to receive notifications when the prices for your desired flight route change. This way, you’ll be alerted when there are potential deals or price drops.

Check Low-Cost Airlines: Consider flying with low-cost carriers that operate between New York and Chicago, such as Spirit Airlines, Frontier Airlines, or JetBlue. These airlines often offer competitive prices, especially if you’re willing to forgo some amenities.

Look for Promo Codes or Special Offers: Check the websites of airlines that operate flights between New York and Chicago. They may have exclusive promo codes or limited-time offers available. Additionally, search for any current promotions or discounts on travel deal websites or coupon platforms.

Consider Alternative Airports: Check if there are alternative airports near New York or Chicago. Sometimes, flying into or out of airports that are slightly farther away can result in lower fares. For example, in New York, you can consider airports like JFK, LaGuardia, or Newark, while in Chicago, you have O’Hare and Midway as options.

Book in Advance: Generally, booking your flight in advance can increase your chances of finding better deals. Try to plan your trip well in advance and book your tickets as soon as you find a favorable price.

Follow Airlines and Travel Platforms: Follow airlines and travel platforms on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. They often share special deals, flash sales, or last-minute offers that you can take advantage of.

Remember, flight prices can vary based on factors such as the time of year, day of the week, and how far in advance you book. It’s always recommended to compare multiple options and check for any restrictions or additional fees before making a final booking.